Bridgewater State University

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Spring Class Schedules

The Spring Semester at BSU officially begin on Wednesday, January 21st. A student’s most up-to-date schedule of courses is available on the Web at, log into the student portal via myBSU, click on the InfoBear icon, and click on Registration and Student Information. Once there, log in with your Banner ID and PIN.

If you have forgotten your Banner ID or PIN, you may look these numbers up at You will then need to log into this site using your BSU e-mail name and password.

Since classroom assignments and other changes may still occur up through the beginning of the semester, all students are urged to check their schedule on the Web right before attending each class for the first time. The online schedule is updated immediately anytime a last minute change occurs.

All registered students will also be sent a copy of their schedule of classes via their BSU e-mail address prior to the start of the semester. For students who do not yet have a BSU e-mail address, schedules were placed in the mail.

If you are a student at BSU and have not yet claimed your e-mail account, please do so as soon as possible via the following address:

Students may continue to add into courses on a space-available basis through the end of the Drop/Add period. The best way to add courses is via the Web to ensure that you get into the available space. However, new first-semester freshmen may only change their schedule through the Academic Achievement Center in Maxwell Library.

Course drops may be made via the Web or in person through the end of drop/add. For a complete list of drop/add, withdrawal, and refund deadlines, please visit our registration website by clicking on the Registrar’s Office icon within the myBSU student portal, and click on Registration within that site.

IMPORTANT: Registered students who no longer want a course must DROP the course via the Web or in writing in the Registrar’s Office BEFORE the end of Drop/Add to avoid fiscal charges and a possible failing grade. Non-attendance does not constitute an official drop or withdrawal.

Best wishes for a successful semester!